Ph.D. University of Texas- Austin, Austin TX. In process
M.F.A. University of Montana, Missoula MT. 2017, in Studio Art
M.A. University of Montana, Missoula MT. 2017, in Art History and Criticism
B.A. Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville, NY. 2011, in Postcolonial and Diaspora Studies
English (fluent), French (fluent), Spanish (Conversational)
2019: to whom it may concern. The General Public, Missoula MT. (Collaborative with sculptor, Crista Ann Ames)
2018: Them/Me. Jodee Harris Gallery. Seton Hill University, Greensburg, PA (Collaborative with sculptor, Crista Ann Ames)
2017: The Accumulation of Endlessness. UC Gallery. Missoula MT
2016: , is repair. Thesis Show: Gallery of Visual Arts. University of Montana, Missoula, MT
2015: Lettres Pour Yaya Mujinga: Performance Installation. Missoula, MT
2015: Dissonate. Frontier Space Gallery. Missoula, MT
2015: A Successful Artwork: Video Installation. University of Montana, Fine Arts Building Missoula, MT
2014. My Home, Which is Mine. Student Gallery, University of Montana. Missoula, MT
2012: Another Language. Le Chéile Art Space, New York, NY.
2018: 125 Objects for 125 Years. UMW Fine Arts Gallery. Dillon, MT
2016: Confluence. Student Gallery, University of Montana. Missoula, MT
2016: Show and Tell. Washington State University Art Center, Pullman WA
2016: 4th Annual Mini Benefit Show. Zootown Arts Community Center. Missoula, MT
2015: Critical Idioms. Student Gallery, University of Montana. Missoula, MT
2015: 21st Annual Juried Student Art Exhibit. Gallery of Visual Arts. Missoula, MT
2014: 20th Annual Juried Student Art Exhibit. Gallery of Visual Arts. Missoula, MT
2014: New Orders. . Student Gallery, University of Montana. Missoula, MT
2014: The Incarnate Poem. Zootown Arts Community Center. Missoula, MT
2013: 19th Annual Juried Student Art Exhibit. Gallery of Visual Arts. Missoula, MT
2013: Blue. University Center Gallery; Missoula, MT
2013: 2nd Annual MFA Exhibition. Frontier Space Gallery. Missoula, MT
2012: Fluidtoons: First Year in NY (2 person group show). E.M.P Collective, Baltimore, MD
2017-2020: Assistant Professor of Art (non-tenure track) and Gallery Coordinator
University of Montana Western, Dillon MT
Courses: Art of World Civilizations 1 and 2, Contemporary Art and Art Criticism, Art Seminar, Visual Language: Drawing, Visual Language: 2D, Advanced Studio: Painting, Thesis and Exhibition.
Fall 2022 - Present: Explorations of Visual Art, 3D foundations
Avila University, Kansas City MO
Spring 2017, Fall 2015, Spring 2015: Visual Language: Drawing Foundations
Fall 2016: Introduction to Art Criticism
University of Montana, Missoula MT
2023: Introduction to Visual Arts
2022: Introduction to Classical Mythology
2022: Survey of Renaissance through Modern Art
2020: Survey of Ancient to Medieval Art
University of Texas at Austin, Austin TX
2016: Ancient American Art (Art History 400 level)
2014: African Art (Art History 400 level)
2013: World Art History (Art History 200 level)|
2013: Photo 1 (Studio 200 level)
University of Montana, Missoula MT
Guest Instructor:
2016, 2014: Art Criticism Graduate Seminar
2016: World Art History
University of Montana, Missoula MT
2016: Montana Arts Inter-scholastics
University of Montana and Montana Public schools
2014: Teen Artist Workshop: Artist Talk and Workshop
Missoula Art Museum, Missoula MT
2021- 2022: Mellon Curatorial Fellow in Contemporary Art. Blanton Museum of Art. Austin, TX
2021- 2022: Guest Editor, for the Mid America Print Council Journal. MAPC.
2015-2017: Moderator and Facilitator, artTALK Monthly Artist Lecture Series
Shakespeare & Company Independent Bookstore, Missoula MT
2014, 2015, 2017: Conference Coordinator: Thinking It’s Presence: Race and Creative Writing Conference/ TiP- The Racial Imaginary: Race and Creative Writing Conference
Missoula, MT / Tuscon, AZ
2015: Research and Gallery Assistant for Cathryn Mallory
Gallery of Visual Arts, Missoula MT
2015: Gallery Manager
Student Art Gallery: University of Montana, Missoula MT
2014: Program Chair for Tunnel Of Oppression (Diversity education program)
Student Involvement Network: University of Montana, Missoula, MT
2016 (July-August): Tippet Rise Art Center, Fishtail, MT
2013 (February-August): Headlands Center for the Arts, Sausalito, CA
2022: “Emma Amos in Motion,” Mellon Fellow Celebration 2021-22, Virtual lecture hosted by Blanton Museum of Art. Austin, TX
2021: “Dendê, | Drexciya | Mandala: Rendering the Middle Passage into the Nonworld of Origin,” Liminalities: Transitions, Borders, In-Betweens: GRACLS Graduate Conference. Austin, TX
2021: “Gray Area: Adrian Piper’s ‘Retirement from Blackness’: Race-Passing, and the unraveling of racial coherence,” Rocky Mountain Interdisciplinary History Conference. University of Colorado Boulder, CO
2021: “Gray Area: Adrian Piper’s “Retirement from Blackness” and the unraveling of racial coherence,” The Eleanor Greenhill Symposium. University of Texas. Austin, TX
2020: “Let us be dissatisfied until... A Look at Black Art and Civil Rights,” Missoula Art Museum. Missoula, MT.
2020: ”BLACK-out History,” Family Class. Missoula Art Museum. Missoula, MT.
2019: ”Survivance and Radical Subjectivity: Introducing Contemporary Indigenous Art from the Missoula Art Museum,” University of Montana Western. Dillon, MT
2019: “Generative Situations,” artTALK monthly lecture series, Shakespeare & Co. Missoula, MT
2019: “Skin Stories: Using Art to Take on RACE” Missoula Art Museum, Missoula MT
2018: “The young artist is a global citizen: teaching multicultural perspectives” Montana Educator Conference, Billings MT
2018: “Finding the right words: Visual analysis and art writing” Montana Educator Conference, Billings MT
2018: “The American Practice of Generational Disruption,” Families Belong Together March, Woodstock NY. (Featured Speaker)
2018: “Them/Me: Artist Talk” Jodee Harris Gallery, Seton University, Greenburg, PA
2017: “Situations,” Fine Arts Faculty Lectures, University of Montana Western, Dillon, MT
2017: “Vulnerability, generosity, and symbolic gesture,” UC Gallery: Missoula, MT
2017: “Introducing the new Fine Arts Gallery at University of Montana Western,” Dillon Rotary Club, Dillon MT.
2015: “The Act of Instilling Dissonance,” Frontier Space Gallery: Missoula, MT
2015: “Visualizations of Disenfranchised Greif,” Graduate Student Public Lecture Series, University of Montana, Missoula MT
2014: “Juxtapoz Nostalgia” Missoula Art Museum, Missoula, MT
2018: “Evasive Articulations in the Age of ‘Fake News’: Thinking About the Relationship Between Art and Truth During the Trump Era” CAA 2018, Los Angeles, CA. (Discussion Chair)
2016: “, is repair | cold lapse | build-up: Artist’s Panel,” Gallery of Visual Arts: University of Montana, Missoula MT
2016: “Celebrating our Forgotten Relative: Native American and African American relationships,” 4 to 1 PATH With William S. YellowRobe and George Price: University of Montana, Missoula MT
2016: “Second Annual Missoula Racial Justice Teach-in Tells the Immigrant Story,” Racial Justice Teach-in. Missoula, MT. With YWCA, Empower MT, and Soft Landings Missoula
2015: “The Articulation of Disenfranchised Grief,” Thinking Its Presence, The Racial Imaginary: Creative Writing Conference: Missoula, MT
2014: “Let’s Not Go There: Personal Narratives, Stories, and Anecdotes,” Thinking Its Presence: Creative Writing Conference: Missoula, MT
2021: Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship in Modern and Contemporary Art, Blanton Museum of Art. Austin, TX 2021: Kelly Fearing Endowed Presidential Scholarship in Art, Austin TX
2020: David Bruton, Jr. Endowment for Graduate Fellowships in the College of Fine Arts, Austin TX
2020: Dr. Ralph and Marie B. Hanna Centennial Endowed Scholarship in Art, Austin TX
2018. SFAI Equal Justice Residency. Santa Fe, NM
2017. NCECA Multicultural Fellowship. Portland, OR
2015. Bertha Morton Scholarship/ Missoula, MT
2016, 2015, 2013. Fell-Oskins Scholarship. Missoula, MT
2014. Dean Stephen Kalm College of Visual and Performing Arts Graduate Award. University of Montana, Missoula MT.
2014, 2015. Diversity Advisory Council mini-grant. Missoula, MT
2007-2011: Martha Rockwell Millet Scholarship. Sarah Lawrence College, NY
2007. Woodstock Artists Studio Award. Woodstock, NY
Projected, 2023: Review of Firelei Baez exhibition at The Momentary (Title, TBD). Burnaway.
Projected, 2022: “Emma Amos in Motion” Assembly: New Acquisitions by Contemporary Black Artists, Exhibition Catalogue. Blanton Museum of Art. Austin, Texas.
2022: “Alexandre Pépin” MFA Catalogue, University of Texas, Austin. 2022.
2022: “Repair: Guest Editor Essay” MAPC Volume 34/35: Repair.
2017: Graduate Thesis, MA. ““The Practice of Cartography: Imagining World Art Studies After Eurocentrism” University of Montana School of Art
2017: Graduate Thesis, MFA: “Radical Dissonance and Haunted Gestures” University of Montana School of Art
2014: Critical Essay: “Re-inscribing the Subtle Mark: Human Presence, Digital Interface, and the Anxiety of Language in the Installation of Dave Tarullo.” UC Gallery Exhibit Catalogue. Missoula, MT
2017: THE MISSOULIAN: ENTERTAINER. “Washing away grief, her own and others’: Artist invites viewers to write on tablets that will be cleansed.” By Cory Walsh.
2017: THE KAIMIN: ARTS + CULTURE. “New UC Gallery Show showcases the art of grieving” by Brooke Beighie